Results for 'V. T. Huett'

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  1.  30
    Hydrogen storage in Ti–Zr and Ti–Hf-based quasicrystals.K. F. Kelton, J. J. Hartzell, R. G. Hennig, V. T. Huett & Akito Takasaki - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):957-964.
  2. Coevolutionary semantics of technological civilization genesis and evolutionary risk.V. T. Cheshko & O. M. Kuz - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 10:43-55.
    Purpose of the present work is to attempt to give a glance at the problem of existential and anthropological risk caused by the contemporary man-made civilization from the perspective of comparison and confrontation of aesthetics, the substrate of which is emotional and metaphorical interpretation of individual subjective values and politics feeding by objectively rational interests of social groups. In both cases there is some semantic gap present between the represented social reality and its representation in perception of works of art (...)
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  3. T︠S︡it︠s︡eron: filosof i istorik filosofii.V. T. Zvirevich - 1988 - Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo uralʹskogo universiteta.
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  4. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 1. STABLE ADAPTIVE STRATEGY OF HOMO SAPIENS.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2014 - Integrative Anthropology (2):4-14.
    Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens (SASH) is a result of the integration in the three-module fractal adaptations based on three independent processes of generation, replication, and the implementation of adaptations — genetic, socio-cultural and symbolic ones. The evolutionary landscape SASH is a topos of several evolutionary multi-dimensional vectors: 1) extraversional projective-activity behavioral intention (adaptive inversion 1), 2) mimesis (socio-cultural inheritance), 3) social (Machiavellian) intelligence, 4) the extension of inter-individual communication beyond their own social groups and their own species in (...)
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    Вияви національної тотожності православного духовенства волині у 40-80-х роках хх століття.V. T. Borschevych - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:158-167.
    During the German-Soviet War and in the decades that followed, the Volyn Orthodox clergy functioned under a cohesive social ghetto, which was to ensure the gradual assimilation of the social group in accordance with the needs of the totalitarian regime. In this situation, the national self-awareness of a part of the sacred priests did not fit into the coordinates of the Nazi religious and ethnic politics and, later, into the process of creation of the Soviet people. The question of national (...)
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    Ментальні обрії волинського православного духовенства 20-30-х рр. хх ст.V. T. Borschevych - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:224-235.
    The Orthodox clergy of Volhynia played one of the major roles in the religious, cultural and political life of the region as part of the Second Commonwealth. Sacred authority, high educational attainment, and material support made him an influential social group. Depending on the corporate consciousness of the stratum, it would depend on whose ally it would act and whether it would promote a social progress, spiritual and national self-identification of the voivodship population. It should be borne in mind that (...)
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    Formation des Concepts et Verité.V. T. Miškovská - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 2:653-654.
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  8. Vospityvatʹ ubezhdennostʹ.V. T. Lisovskiĭ - 1971
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  9. Zhitʹ dostoĭno: problemy nravstvennogo vospitanii︠a︡ molodezhi.V. T. Lisovskiĭ (ed.) - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  10. Zhitʹ dostoĭno: Probl. nravstv. vospitanii︠a︡ molodezhi.V. T. Lisovskiĭ (ed.) - 1979 - Moskva: Politizdat.
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    Logiko-istoricheskiĭ analiz metodologii i metodov nauchnogo predvidenii︠a︡.V. T. Pavlova - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Bolgarskoĭ akademii nauk. Edited by K. F. Rudenko.
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    A Comparison of Bergson and Spinoza.V. T. Thayer - 1919 - The Monist 29 (1):96-105.
  13. Hindutva: Whipping up sleeping slaves.V. T. Rajshekar - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (1):73-78.
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    Science and State. methodological analysis of the history of social science. Genetics and breeding in Russia and Ukraine during the Soviet period.V. T. Cheshko (ed.) - 1997 - kharkiv: "Osnova".
    A comparative study of the system of co-evolution of Theoretical Genetics, practical Selets and agriculture in Russia, Ukraine, the Soviet Union and, above all, the example of two research schools - Kharkov and Saratov. Alittle-known and previously unknown archival materials are used.
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    The electronic structure of lithium‐based liquid semiconducting alloys.V. T. Nguyen & J. E. Enderby - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):1013-1019.
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    Moral Principles, Freedom, and the Work Activity of the Individual.V. T. Efimov - 1978 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (3):25-43.
    The policy adopted by the Twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU on raising the quality of work and the effectiveness of social production means that work must be more highly organized and disciplined and that initiative and creative searching must be fostered. "The country sets as its goal enlargement of the real opportunities for citizens to apply their creative powers, abilities, and gifts and for comprehensive development of the individual.".
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    Polemical Notes on Ethics and Morality Studies.V. T. Efimov - 1982 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 21 (2):4-25.
    These notes consist of reflections on the course to be pursued to attain the best possible interaction between theoretical research on morality and our present economic and social tasks and on the practice of communist moral training. Much has been done in this regard in the recent past. On the occasion of the Twenty-sixth Congress of the CPSU scholars prepared successful treatments of timely problems in ethics, the theory of morality, and moral training. However, the level of the studies already (...)
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  18.  24
    Aspects of a demographic problem—social and cultural consequences.V. T. Gioultsis - 1999 - Global Bioethics 12 (1-4):25-29.
    The demographic problem of the post war industrial societies is related to their contemporary social modifications. In particular Greece faces a population decline expressed through reverse demographic pyramids. The phenomenon is related to the rapid adaptation of the Greek society to modern westernalised structures, sometimes contradictory to the Greek tradition and culture. The ethical and moral principles of the Orthodox religion should be taken under consideration within a wider national strategy facing the demographic problem.
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  19. Z︠H︡ytti︠e︡va pozyt︠s︡ii︠a︡ ta relihiĭna vira.V. T. Zaruda - 1983 - Kyïv: Vyd-vo polit. lit-ry Ukraïny.
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  20. Bioeconomics, biopolitics and bioethics: evolutionary semantics of evolutionary risk (anthropological essay).V. T. Cheshko - 2016 - Bioeconomics and Ecobiopolitic (1 (2)).
    Attempt of trans-disciplinary analysis of the evolutionary value of bioethics is realized. Currently, there are High Tech schemes for management and control of genetic, socio-cultural and mental evolution of Homo sapiens (NBIC, High Hume, etc.). The biological, socio-cultural and technological factors are included in the fabric of modern theories and technologies of social and political control and manipulation. However, the basic philosophical and ideological systems of modern civilization formed mainly in the 17–18 centuries and are experiencing ever-increasing and destabilizing risk-taking (...)
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    A Comparison of the Ethical Philosophies of Spinoza and Hobbes.V. T. Thayer - 1922 - The Monist 32 (4):553-568.
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  22. A comparison of the ethical philosophics of Spinoza and Hobbes.V. T. Thayer - 1922 - [n. p.]:
  23. Reply to William E. Drake.V. T. Thayer - 1966 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (1):83.
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  24. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 3. EVOLUTIONARY SEMANTICS AND BIOETHICS.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2016 - Integrative Annthropology (1):21-27.
    The co-evolutionary concept of three-modal stable evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness) parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to other ones. Resulting volume of both parameters define the vectors of biological, social, cultural and techno-rationalistic human evolution by two gear mechanism — genetic and cultural co-evolution and techno-humanitarian (...)
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  25. Priroda mirovozzrenii︠a︡ i prakticheskie aspekty ego formirovanii︠a︡.V. T. Zonov & R. O. Rykun (eds.) - 1990 - Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo universiteta.
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    Purpose (metatask) of the present work is to attempt to give a glance at the problem of existential and anthropo- logical risk caused by the contemporary man-made civilization from the perspective of comparison and confronta- tion of aesthetics, the substrate of which is emotional and metaphorical interpretation of individual subjective values and politics feeding by objectively rational interests of social groups. In both cases there is some semantic gap pre- sent between the represented social reality and its representation in perception (...)
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  27. The prolegomens to theory of human stable evolutionarciety at age of controlled evolution techny strategy as ideology of risk soologies.V. T. Cheshko - 2016 - In Teodor N. Țîrdea, // Strategia supravietuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei și medicinei. Culegere de articole științifice. Vol. 22–. pp. 134-139.
    Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens (SESH) is a superposition of three different adaptive data arrays: biological, socio-cultural and technological modules, based on three independent processes of generation and replication of an adaptive information – genetic, socio-cultural and symbolic transmissions (inheritance). Third component SESH focused equally to the adaptive transformation of the environment and carrier of SESH. With the advent of High Hume technology, risk has reached the existential significance level. The existential level of technical risk is, by definition, an (...)
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  28. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 2. THE GENESIS AND MECHANISMS OF EVOLUTIONARY RISK.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2015 - Integrative Anthropology (1):4-15.
    Sources of evolutionary risk for stable strategy of adaptive Homo sapiens are an imbalance of: (1) the intra-genomic co-evolution (intragenomic conflicts); (2) the gene-cultural co-evolution; (3) inter-cultural co-evolution; (4) techno-humanitarian balance; (5) inter-technological conflicts (technological traps). At least phenomenologically the components of the evolutionary risk are reversible, but in the aggregate they are in potentio irreversible destructive ones for biosocial, and cultural self-identity of Homo sapiens. When the actual evolution is the subject of a rationalist control and/or manipulation, the magnitude (...)
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    Empirical Idealism.V. T. Franks - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (1):105-127.
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    Comenius (Komensky) on Lexical Symbolism in an Artificial Language.V. T. Miskovska - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (141):238 - 244.
    Although philosophising about given languages had been going on ever since the time of Plato's Kratylos , the idea of an artificial philosophical language or system of signs began to take shape in the seventeenth century. Both Descartes and Mersenne explored the ground for the foundations of a system of expressions which could meet all the requirements of logical thought; but the merit of presenting the first elaborate plans goes to the British authors George Dalgarno and John Wilkins. 1 Leibniz (...)
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    Na puti k integralʹnoĭ realʹnosti: ontologii︠a︡ nauchnogo diskursa.V. T. Faritov - 2008 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: UlGTU.
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  32. Nauka i razvitie print︠s︡ipov morali.V. T. Meshcheri︠a︡kov - 1989 - Leningrad: "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie. Edited by O. D. Astapova.
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  33. Sootvetstvie kak otnoshenie i printsip.V. T. Meshcheri︠a︡kov - 1975 - Leningrad: Nauka.
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  34. Filosofii︠a︡ v sisteme dukhovnoĭ kulʹtury na rubezhe XXI veka: tezisy dokladov i vystupleniĭ Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii Kursk, 20-21 mai︠a︡ 1997 g.V. T. Manuĭlov (ed.) - 1997 - Kursk: Kurskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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  35. Importance of ethics in health research, the healthcare professional as a researcher.Marita V. T. Reyes - 2008 - In Angeles Tan-Alora, Introduction to Health Research Ethics: Philippine Health Research Ethics Board. Philippine National Health Research System.
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  36. Chto chitatʹ o moralʹnom oblike sovetskogo cheloveka.V. A. Semenova & V. T. Chernysheva (eds.) - 1951
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  37. Garmonii︠a︡ i garmonicheskoe razvitie.V. T. Meshcheri︠a︡kov - 1976
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    The Ethics of an Incidental Research Finding.Marita V. T. Reyes - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (1):87-88.
  39. Vosʹmoe chudo sveta: literaturnye ėti︠u︡dy.V. T. Bi︠a︡zyrova - 2019 - Vladikavkaz: Izdatelʹsko-poligraficheskoe predprii︠a︡tie im. V.A. Gassieva.
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  40. sse. Platonizm i literatura.N. V. Nosov & A. V. T︠S︡yb - 2004 - In A. V. T︠S︡yb, Aukt︠s︡ion: literaturno-filosofskiĭ sbornik. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    St. Thomas and Philosophy. [REVIEW]T. S. V. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):590-590.
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    Six Secular Philosophers. [REVIEW]T. E. V. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):712-713.
    This book is a lucid and readable account of Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, James, and Santayana, not only as contributors to present-day secularism, but as precursors of religious liberalism. Beck traces the theme of "secularism and human values" through these thinkers, though difficulties arise from the fact that they represent a radical divergence of philosophic interests, and in any case would hardly have recognized, much less defended, the particular variety of secularism and religious liberalism that has arisen in recent times, (...)
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  43. History as a human science. The conception of history in some classic american philosophers. By Victorino Tejera. [REVIEW]T. V. T. V. - 1985 - History and Theory 24 (2):232.
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  44. Programma kursa marksistsko-leninskoĭ filosofii dli︠a︡ vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ.V. T. Kaltakhchi︠a︡n (ed.) - 1970
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  45. Chelovek v nauchnoĭ i filosofskoĭ kartine mira XXI veka: tezisy dokladov i vystupleniĭ Vserossiĭskoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Kursk, 21-23 mai︠a︡ 1996 g.V. T. Manuĭlov (ed.) - 1996 - Kursk: Izd-vo Kurskogo gos. ped. universiteta.
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    Impact of Nyaya-Vaiseshika on Indian Thoughts.Lakshmi Vijayan & T. V. (eds.) - 2020 - Kanpur: Maya Prakashan.
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    Ryt︠s︡ari Ėllady, ili, Velikiĭ detektiv krestonost︠s︡ev.V. T. Poli︠a︡kovskiĭ - 2010 - Moskva: Alʹi︠a︡ns.
    Когда у человека или у группы людей о чем-либо складываются некие представления, то всегда очень неплохо знать то, как такие представления возникли. А также то, как они сложились у того, кто в итоге оказался источником информации.
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    Emotion in Cultural Dynamics.Yoshihisa Kashima, Alin Coman, Janet V. T. Pauketat & Vincent Yzerbyt - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (2):48-64.
    Emotion is critical for cultural dynamics, that is, for the formation, maintenance, and transformation of culture over time. We outline the component micro- and macro-level processes of cultural dynamics, and argue that emotion not only facilitates the transmission and retention of cultural information, but also is shaped and crafted by cultural dynamics. Central to this argument is our understanding of emotion as a complete information package that signals the adaptive significance of the information that the agent is processing. It captures (...)
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  49. Rolʹ metodologii poznanii︠a︡ pri reshenii konkretnykh zadach fiziki i khimii.V. N. Filipovich & V. T. Meshcheri︠a︡kov (eds.) - 1991 - Leningrad: "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie.
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    Critical behaviour of the Pauli spin susceptibility of strongly correlated electrons in two dimensions.S. Anissimova, A. Venkatesan, M. R. Sakr, A. A. Shashkin, S. V. Kravchenko, V. T. Dolgopolov & T. M. Klapwijk - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (17-18):2761-2770.
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